All American Blonde Bombshell

Blonde Bombshell
I view every moment of our time together as an experience, and no two experiences are the same.
I pride myself in REALLY being your girlfriend, your lover, your true companion the time we are together. Expect nothing less! Please don’t let my girlish looks, quirky personality and light-hearted personality fool you, I AM VERY MUCH A WOMAN. You will feel that with our first embrace.
I’m a master at the art of sensuality. Put your mind at ease. Be seduced as you let me take control.
Love, Jenna xo

Some personal things about me you may find interesting...
- I love to sleep with my dogs. I’m a huge animal lover!
- Past jobs include waitress during college, bartender (my favorite), dancer, perfume counter at Macy's.
- I am literally the farmer’s daughter, but can’t keep a plant alive to save my life!
- Scared of latex balloons (lol)
- Went to college in Lexington, KY and lived in Louisville for 3 years and have never been to the Derby!
- Favorite cities NYC and Philly
- Favorite flower Tulip
- Favorite book Pillars of the Earth…any book full of odd and fun facts.